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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Symbian surpassed by iOS as the smartphone platform king of the UK

Apple iPhone ownership grew by 46% by this past May. It has not been specified which iPhones are the primary culprit in such substantial growth, but the iPhone 4 is suspect #1. Nokia’s aging Symbian platform has worn the crown for a while but they have had difficulties keeping up with the times. Ownership fell off by 10%, cutting the number of users across the nation to 4.5 million. 

Google’s rapidly-growing Android platform also saw substantial growth, but still comes in as a close second when it comes to dominance in the UK. Adoption of the little green robot in the UK jumped up by a ridiculous 634%. That is a monstrous increase for what is now the world’s largest mobile platform.

Symbian now sits in third, while RIM (59% increase) and Microsoft (32% decrease) are in fourth and fifth respectively. The rise of iOS and Android is becoming the norm around the globe. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

source: comScore via Electronista


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